Last week I had the stomach flu and spent all day Tuesday shivering on my couch and watching classical musicals that I had saved on my DVR. It would have been really lovely, if not for the whole waves of nausea thing. In honor of April showers, here's a classic scene which I love because: it brings back fond memories of an 8th grade dance I did with my show choir, Gene Kelly is so dreamy and Jean Dujardin totally reminds me of him, and it just plain makes you smile.
And now that we're well into May flowers, I wanted to show you some floral inspired footwear I've been wearing lately. The only thing better than wearing shoes youreally love is receiving compliments from people telling you that they really love the shoes that you really love. Does that make sense?
I wore these boots to run some errands and I literally had people chase me down the aisle at the grocery store to ask me about them. The woman at the checkout line said "You know should do? You should put them on Pinterest!" Wait . . . what?
Also these shoes were a huge hit at the theater. That sounds ridiculous but seriously we were at a production of Les Miserables and entire group of old women came up to me to tell me they had been admiring my heels.
Speaking of Les Mis, the movie is currently filming and the cast is filled with stars galore!! Except Taylor Swift, who lost the role of Eponine to Samantha Barks. No offense Taylor, but after watching this performance, I think its for the best. Now you can get a new album out sooner and we can finally find out what happened between you and Jake!
And for any singing and dancing you might want to do in May showers, here's a cute pair of rain boots I have my eye on.
So, there ya go. Spring footwear that will be a hit with your fellow Publix shoppers, elderly musical theater patrons, and Gene Kelly- thanks to CFC.
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