Happy Thanksgiving! If you're reading this, chances are you know me very well and I love you a lot so I'm thankful for you! If you don't know me- I'm thankful you are reading this!
Now I'm not at all trying to downplay the spirit of Thanksgiving. I am absurdly thankful for the people and opportunities that have allowed me the life that I have. But since this blog is usually pretty lighthearted (except when crying over celebrities) I wanted to focus on something . . . well . . . a bit more materialistic. Sometimes aren't you really thankful for something you own? Is that just me? Don't judge. So as an ode to some of the things I love and possibly as a holiday shopping guide, I present to you . . .
CFC's Favorite Things
( also known as all of the materialistic crap that I'm thankful for)
Sometimes I can't believe I got through 10+ years of regular running without this. To know how far I am running AND how fast . . . to have a running watch that looks legit, yet still a subtle bit of pink . . . it is a joy to use everyday.
When you graduate from college, it is a requirement that you develop some sort of morning caffeine routine. Maybe you were more hip and developed this in college? But I'm willing to bet you just got some absurd Starbucks beverage when you had to study. Anyways, coffee in the morning makes me so jittery and sweaty palmed that by 4pm I inevitably have to lay down and take some smelling salts. It's very Victorian. Anyways, I started drinking tea when everyone started drinking coffee and I never looked back. I've become a bit of a tea snob, and really only drink loose leaf tea when I can. And Adagio is the best of the best! I like to rotate the flavors in my cup per season- lemon and rasberry in the summer, cinnamon spice in the fall, and I am currently enjoying gingerbread this morning!
Sex and the City - the complete series DVDs
Well this is a gift that keeps on giving. Sure, SATC is now replaying on E! and the Style network, but who wants to watch it completely censored (which pretty much means sans Samantha?) Not me! I got this for Christmas the year the movie came out and watched every single episode in a row before I saw the first film in theaters. When those girls appeared on screen I almost teared up at seeing old friends again! But these discs are great for a lazy Sunday on the couch recovering from a night out, when nothing is on tv, or for those terrible first few days when you move somewhere and don't have cable yet.
Jessica Simpson- Waleo Pumps
I think we can all agree on one of life's greatest mysteries. How can Jessica Simpson have a successful clothing line with shoes that I LOVE yet have the worst personal style of all time? I don't know! What I do know is that I love these shoes. They come in rich, gorgeous colors and are the perfect mix between demure pumps and GaGa-esque towering booties. I have them in royal blue and leopard print and I'll tell you more about them later.
Frye Daisy Duke Cowboy Boots
I've posted about these here and here, but seriously . . . if you own red cowboy boots you automatically feel like a movie star. Or someone who owns reds cowboy boots.
In my ongoing quest to transform into Kelly Ripa I have developed a fairly regular routine of Physique 57. I know its not the same as being in the class, but its by far the best workout dvds I've ever owned. I'm not much closer to looking like Kelly, but at least I can say I tried.
Frizz Ease Hair Serum
Before and After (with a better hair cut and styling tools too). Enough said.
My favorite romantic comedy I've seen in years starring the sexiest man alive. (Take that Bradley and Ryan!) Out of dvd this Friday!
Regal Cinemas Gift Card
No need to complain that you don't know what to see when you have CFC! Also no need to complain that you don't want to spend the money when you have a gift card! Feel free to send some my way and I would be happy to review some more movies for you!
And as Thanksgiving ends . . . Christmas begins! Here's a few more of my favorite things. What are yours?
I'm sorry about all of the spotlightslately. I love celebs, what can I say!
Okay, so we all remember the last episode of our favorite tv shows. Like sobbing on the couch with Krysta at the end of Dawson's Creek, or saying goodbye to all of our favorite friends on Friends. Or wishing Rory well as she boarded the Obama journalist bus and settling for Luke and Lorelai finally reuniting with a kiss. Can we get a movie to continue the Gilmore storyline?
Anyways, as you probably know, and if you don't, I can't believe you're even reading this, Friday was Regis Philbin's last day on Live! with Regis and Kelly. Although this wasn't the last episode of Live, the show is ending as we know it.
And I know it so well! I cannot remember a time when Live was not on tv. Growing up I associated watching Live with summer vacations, Christmas breaks, and random days off from school. In high school I loved that I could get a question right on my Latin vocab test simply by remembering that Regis meant "of the king."
And Regis truly is the king of tv! He has logged more hours in front of a tv camera than anyone else. Ever. Regis is charming and well dressed and sings and tells the best stories. He's like a member of the Rat Pack who somehow found his way into daytime tv. Reeg is a New York man about town. His tales of benefits and performances and fine dining put my 27 yr old social life to shame. I used to think being a talk show would be the greatest job in the world. I still think that's true, but not everyone can do it. Regis is talk show perfection.
A few years ago, I finally got a DVR and got to record Live while I was at work! I look forward to watching the show at lunch or after work each day. Regardless of the celebrity guests, my absolute favorite part of every show is the first 15 minutes-the unscripted "host chat" that is Reeg's signature style. Coming from a celeb fanatic that's a huge compliment!
Last December I went to NYC and got to be in the audience of Live. It was not only one of my favorite parts of the trip but one of my favorites all-time memories! After the show Gelman announced that Regis would be signing copies of his Christmas CD in the lobby. My aunt and mom bought copies and lined up to meet Regis while my cousin and I planned to take their pics. "Are you sure you don't want to get a cd?" my mom asked. "Well, I guess so . . ." I shrugged. So I took my place in line.
I watched as my mom and aunt shook Regis' hand and calmly made small talk while he signed their cd and posed for a picture. All of a sudden, it was my turn. As I walked toward him, all 27 years of tv viewing flashed before my eyes. "Regis, I'm SUCH a big fan!" I blurted out, my eyes filling with tears. " I've been watching you my whole life!!!" My cousin looked on, frozen with embarrassment and ready to take our picture. "Well, that's so nice" said Regis, not at all freaked out by a girl suddenly acting like a teenybopper in his presence. "Thanks for watching all of those years." Regis, always a gentleman.
With Regis leaving Live, it doesn't quite feel like we're losing a tv show to watch. It feels like we're losing an old friend. In typical Philbin fashion, Regis has not only displayed mock outrage, but referred to himself in the third person when people suggest he is retiring. "Regis isn't retiring! He's moving on!" he's hilariously shouted from the cohost desk. Well, best of luck Regis . . . but please don't move too far away.
If I could continue with my list of life rules, I would require every girl to have a teen celebrity crush.
This is crucial for several reasons. First, its an important lesson in unrequited love. Let's say, hypothetically of course, that you fall in love with Leonardo DiCaprio at the age of 12. You decorate your algebra notebook with pics of Leo. You obsessivley watch reruns of Growing Pains on the Disney Channel hoping to catch the episodes with Baby Leo. And, unless you're Blake Lively, you never ended up with Jack Dawson. But you survived! So who cares if a totally regular guy doesnt like you?
Most importantly, if you have a teenybopper crush you will never become one of those crabby old women who says things like "I just don't know what the kids these days see in that Elvis/David Cassidy/Justin Bieber character." You might not love the Biebs but you remember what it was like to feel so completely infatuated with someone who would never be yours. That seems mighty heartbreaking, but I promise its important.
weirdly similar, no?
So for me, that person was . . . still is, Justin Timberlake. Although I was an avid watcher of the Mickey Mouse Club, I didn't really fall for Justin until NSYNC had a concert special on the Disney Channel the summer after I was in 7th grade. I remember Justin wore baby blue warmup pants and had his platinum blond curls and I LOVED him. I taped the concert (on a VHS!) and then added to this tape for every NYSYNC tv appearance. By the end of the summer I had about 3 video tapes filled with TRL interviews and cheesy music videos. And I watched it. Every day. "Oh Lindsey what did do this summer?" "Oh you know . . . tried to learn how to put on eyeshadow, snuck moments of MTV when my mom wasn't looking and watched 6 hours NSYNC everyday."
I firmly believe that NYSNC was the best boy band ever. I saw them on every tour and screamed and cried and screamed some more. They were cute but they were also really talented! They sang AND could do back handsprings. I still know the dance moves.
It came as no surprise when Justin embarked on his solo career. I enjoyed the 7-11 t-shirt, new beats, and thinly-veiled Brit smackdown of his first album, Justified. In fact, the Justified/Stripped tour was the last time I saw JT in concert. Christina was still all dirrrty and Justin was loving that he could sing and dance without tripping over Lance Bass. Cameron Diaz was in the audience in Tampa and he pointed at her in the front row before he closed the show. I was insanely jealous.
When FutureSex/LoveSounds came out I was all "umm... what is this? why is he bringing sexy back?" Then I listened to the whole album. I am no film critic and I am certainly not a music critic but I think this is one of the greatest pop albums ever. And you have to listen to it from start to finish. It's sexy and fun and heartbreaking and desperate all at the same time. The music makes me want to dance AND cry.
I've always know that Justin was a great entertainer. And now that he's acting I am really enjoying it. But like any true JT fan, I think its time for new music! I love watching Justin perform and I am dying to see him in concert again. Just watch this clip. Specifically from to 1:40 to 2:05. Yes.
Obviously I think Justin is really talented. He also has great style. He loves his mom and he's a southern boy who's had the same best friend since he was kid.
But you know what I love the most? He seems to really enjoy being an entertainer AND a celebrity. As a a celeb obsessed person, there's nothing I hate more than stars who seemed totally burdened by being famous. But not Justin! He always gives great interviews, has a blast as the SNL host, accepts dates to military balls and is one of the best talk show guests. . . ever?
A few years ago, the pop critic from my hometown caused some controversy by calling Justin "the next Frank Sinatra." Now I love me some Frank, but I don't think we can label Justin's influence on the entertainment industry by comparing him to anyone. From boy band leader, to pop music star, to clothing designer, to leading man- I think Justin continually proves he is the next Justin Timberlake. And I can't wait to see what happens next.
P.S. One time I met Justin. He talked to me. It was the worst day of my life. I'll tell you about it later.
7. I love my blog, but I never have time to write anything or read any other blogs!
The blogs I read (when I have time) fall into 3 cateogories- healthy living blogs, fashion blogs, and lifestyle blogs- mainly best friends who I miss dearly.
My blog doesn't really fall into any of those formats. And I'm not saying "oh yay isn't my blog unique" but I sometimes do wish there were more movie reviews/romantic comedy ramblings/random outfit posting blogs out there.
Here are two superstar blogs that I would like to compare this little blog to.
Suri's Burn Book Thanks to my friend Jess for sending this along. I wish I knew who wrote it! (I don't think it's Suri.)
The Concerns of Mindy Kaling After reading this, and posting this, AND enjoying her blog . . . I thought it was impossible to love Mindy anymore. But I have a feeling reading her book might put me over the edge!
So if you enjoy CFC, I think you will also enjoy these blogs! If you don't enjoy CFC, then I completely understand. Sometimes I annoy myself too.
Halfway through the previews before In Time, I whined to my boyfriend "I will never see ANY of these movies." "Be honest" he replied, "you wouldn't even see this one if Justin wasn't the star."
Valid point. But I did and now I'm here to give you a review! I have to say that although I understood the basic concept of In Time from the trailer, the idea of time = money didn't really resonate with me until I actually saw the movie. So if you run out of money, you run out of time. When you run out of time . . . you die. Believe me when I say this was glaringly clear from the start and it provided some painfully intense scenes.
I felt that In Time had a bit of an identity crisis. It was partly an incredibly relevant social commentary. In fact, I actually whispered "Omg they are the 99% And he is the 1%!" I mean, the release of this movie could not have been more timely. Pun intended. But In Time also had a suspenseful, mad-cap, Bonnie and Clyde feel. Which was enjoyable to watch, but sort added to the implausability of it all. I firmly believe that too often films are expected to have far greater meaning than pure entertainment, so this isn't a complaint!
Ok, can we talk about Justin now? Y'all, he is a movie star!! I'm torn because I NEED new JT music but I so loved his turn as an action star. And you know Justin loved (literally) punching his former boy band persona to the curb. It was 100% his movie and I thought he was great. I think Justin has made incredibly smart choices in the movies he has signed on to.
Justin once again has great chemistry with his leading lady. Amanda Seyfriend is so gorgeous in this movie, I can't even handle it. Her relationship with Justin's character takes some interesting turns throughout the movie, and, as in anyone's JT relationship fantasies (maybe just mine?) she just so happens to be fabuously dressed throughout.
Apparently in the future we will wear sky high heels, dresses made with rich fabrics and fitted waists, and impeccable eyeliner. Looking forward to it!
Go see In Time if you're in the mood for an entertaining flick that is also going to give you something to talk about when people bring up Occupy Wall Street. Or go see it because Justin Timberlake is hot.
InTime, rated "PG-13," action/drama, starring Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried, B